Tuesday, June 10, 2008

All About Books

1. Who is your all-time favorite author and why?

This question is interesting because I really do not have favorite authors, but rather, favorite books. I can read one book by an author, fall in love with it, and read another book by the same and have nowhere near the same reaction. So -- I will list some of the authors of my favorite books: Harper Lee, Mary Downing Hahn, Henry Louis Gates, William Martin, Sophie Kinsella, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Linda Lewis, Arthur Miller, and Curtis Sittenfeld.

2. Who was your first favorite author and why? Do you still consider him or her among your favorites?

If talking about childhood books I will say Jan & Stan Berenstein -- love The Berenstein Bears! Mary Downing Hahn would be a close second -- I read many of her books when I was younger and yes, would still consider her among the favorites. Her book The Jellyfish Season is a staple on my bookshelf and I read it at least once a year. In terms of "real books" my first favorite was Harper Lee because To Kill a Mockingbird was probably the first real grown-up book I read.

3. Who is the most recent addition to your list of favorite authors and why?

Hmmm -- good question -- I will say either William Martin or Elinor Lipman. I have been reading more mysteries lately and picked up Harvard Yard by Martin -- it was a great combination of American history and suspense -- in addition to being set in Cambridge (anywhere in New England works for me). Elinor Lipman wrote The Inn at Lake Devine which was honestly the first book in a long time which I absolutely could not put down until it was finished -- highly recommended.

4. If someone asked you who your favorite authors were right now which authors would first pop out of your mouth?

Most likely the same as I have listed in the other questions -- again -- I love individual books more than I love authors -- if I do not connect with the characters or am grabbed into the story then the book is sunk -- regardless of who wrote it (for an example read Love: A User's Guide by Claire Naylor and follow it up with Dog Handling -- the former is awesome and you will see what I mean).

5. Tagged: (Link to the person that tagged you, post the rules somewhere in your meme, answer the questions, tag six people in your post, let the tagees know they’ve been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog, let the tagger know your entry is posted.)

I only know two people on Blogger and they sent this to me so I have no one to tag. Boo. I also do not know how to link anything here so if anyone would like to share wisdom please let me know.